Emma Cook

Emma Cook's Fundraiser

Help me reach my Ride-A-Thon goal! image

Help me reach my Ride-A-Thon goal!

Join me and help make a difference! Please give today.


$235 towards $200

I am excited to be riding in the 2024 Trail Ride-A-Thon to benefit Riding To The Top on Saturday, June 8th.

I have been riding at Riding to the Top for quite sometime now, I have rode so many different horses at RTT that has taught me different things about myself and how I ride. Along with many riding instructors that have been at RTT, one of them is Kate who I admire so much and taught me so many things for example there has been times when I had a rough week and would pull me aside for a little pep talk to remind me that Abby needs me to focus on riding her as much as I need her. One of the things I love having Kate as my riding instructor is when there is something that I don’t understand she is willing to go above and beyond and would show me on Abby on what she meant by riding Abby before my lesson.

Now that I told you something about one of my riding instructors, let me tell you about one of the horses that I have rode at RTT. There is so many of them that I love but there a couple of them that really stood out from riding at RTT. One of those horses that stands out from all the others horse that I have ridden is the one and only “The Great White Fluffy Cloud” named Abby. I’m not going to sugarcoat it but Abby is not an easy horse to ride sometimes cause she loves pulling the reins out of her rider’s hands, which she still does if you let her but that’s not the reason why I picked her. Abby has a couple of favorite riders that she works well with like me. The reason why I love Abby is because we made a special connection to each other that some people have with their horses. As I got to know her better I noticed we both get anxious about different things and that she needs someone that is confident and has soft hands when riding her, as for me I need a horse that can help me with building up my confidence and self esteem. There was one time when I fell off of Abby that was really scary and I was really nervous about getting back on her but I realized that if I didn’t get back on her after one week of riding another horse, that I wouldn’t want to at all. I knew that it wasn’t her fault that she bolted off with me cause another horse got my horse excited and decided to go for a run. I will admit every time I ride with someone new I get nervous but then Abby always reminds me with the soft look in her eyes telling me I will be okay and that she will keep me safe. I will admit that she is the only other horse that gave me that sort of special connection beside my heart horse Fancy.

Please join me in raising funds for equine-assisted services at RTT. Your donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal and helping to support participants at Riding To The Top.