Lisa Bean-Messina

Lisa Bean-Messina's Fundraiser

Help me reach my Ride-A-Thon goal! image

Help me reach my Ride-A-Thon goal!

Join me and help make a difference! Please give today.


$225 towards $1,000

I am excited to be joining with my mare Ari in the 2024 Trail Ride-A-Thon to benefit Riding To The Top on Saturday, June 8th.

Ari is a member of the working herd at RTT and I am a PATH Intl. Certified Riding Instructor there. I hope, as well count down the days to the June 8th Ride a Thon you'll follow our page as I highlights points in our journey together, and the amazing people who support our herd and our program here. You'll learn what it takes to be a therapy horse, become a volunteer and how this horse human partnership enhances the lives of our participants through participant testimonials.

Please join me in raising funds for equine-assisted services at RTT. Your donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal and helping to support participants at Riding To The Top.